Desegregation Annual Reports

Annual Reports for the Unitary Status Plan (USP)
Each year, the district submits a report, documenting our efforts for the Unitary Status Plan (USP).
Annual Report 2022-2023

Tucson Unified School District posted its 2022-2023 Annual Report on November 1, 2023.

Note: The appendices were posted on Nov 7, 2023.  The Spanish version posted April 29, 2024.

Annual Report 2021-2022

Tucson Unified School District filed its 2021-22 Annual Report on November 1, 2022.

Note: These files (and the appendices) are available in PDF.

Annual Report 2020-2021

Tucson Unified School District filed its 2020-21 Annual Report on November 1, 2021.

Note: These files (and the appendices) are available in PDF.

Annual Report 2019-2020

Tucson Unified School District filed its 2019-20 Annual Report on October 1, 2020.

Note: These files (and the appendices) are available in PDF.

Annual Report 2018-2019

Tucson Unified School District filed its 2018-19 Annual Report on October 1, 2019.

Note: These files (and the appendices) are available in PDF.

Annual Report 2017-2018

Tucson Unified School District filed its 2017-18 Annual Report on October 1, 2018.

Note: These files (and the appendices) are available in PDF.

Annual Report 2016-2017

Tucson Unified School District filed its 2016-17 Annual Report on September 1, 2017.

Note: These files (and the appendices) are available in PDF.

Annual Report 2015-2016

Filed on September 28, 2016.

Annual Report 2014-2015

Re-filed on April 4, 2016

  1. Comprehensive Boundary Plan (CBP) 8.18.14
  2. Governing Board Presentation 11.18.14
  3. Board Actions Rescind CBP 11.18.14
  4. Policy JC and Regulation JC-R
  5. Comprehensive Magnet Plan 7.15.14
  6. Principal and Magnet Coordinator Training 14-15
  7. 2014-15 Marketing, Outreach and Recruitment Events
  8. Magnet Applications Compare 13-14 to 14-15
  9. Magnet Recognition Invitation 2014-15
  10. 40th-Day 3-Year Progress Toward Integration
  11. Entry Grade Enrollment by School - Past Three Years
  12. Policy JFB
  13. 2015-16 School Choice Online Application Links 6.8.15
  14. School Choice Online Application
  15. Venues for Submission of School Choice Applications 6.16.16
  16. Summary of Lottery Results in Schools Which Could be Affected
  17. II(K)(1)(k) Proposed Revisions to the Mojave Program for Student Assignment
  18. School Choice Lottery Business Rules Version 6
  19. Parent Placement Offer Notice Letters 06082015
  20. Shareable Content
  21. Student Services Communication Form 14-15
  22. ParentLink Messages
  23. Communication Staff School Assignments
  24. School Visits SY 14-15
  25. Pew Research Center Report
  26. Facebook Reach 06.12.15
  27. II(K)(1)(i) Catalog of Schools
  28. Printing and Mailing Catalog Invoices
  29. Catalogs to Sites PO 06102015
  30. Open Enrollment and Programs Media 05.12.15
  31. Wakefield Support Materials
  32. Interactive Online Form
  33. Documents Available
  34. Facebook Growth
  35. Pinterest Following
  36. Twitter Following
  37. Instagram Following
  38. TNL Course Catalog-Student Assignment
  39. Student Assignment PD Completions
  40. New-hire Student Assignment PD Compliance
  41. II(K)(1)(a) Integration Criteria
  42. II(K)(1)(b) Neighborhood School vs. Enrolled School (40th Day 2014-15)
  43. II(K)(1)(b)Preliminary 2016 Lottery Statistics
  44. II(K)(1)(b)Transfers by Ethnicity
  45. II(K)(1)(c) Explanation of Responsibilities – SA
  46. II(K)(1)(c) Magnet Coordinators SY 14-15
  47. II(K)(1)(d) Comprehensive Magnet Review Final 12.21.11
  48. II(K)(1)(d) 2011 Magnet Study, Summary 10.8
  49. II(K)(1)(e) Revised Comprehensive Magnet Plan 6.26.15
  50. II(K)(1)(h) Admissions Process for Oversubscribed Schools 1.15.14
  51. II(K)(1)(i) Translations - Comprehensive Magnet Plan
  52. II(K)(1)(i) Translations - Transportation Brochures Tri-Fold
  53. II(K)(1)(j) Translations - Open Enrollment Application 14-15
  54. II(K)(1)(l) Student Transfer Data
  55. II(K)(1)(m) MORe Plan 11.03.14
  56. II(K)(1)(p) 14-15 Master PD Listing
  57. II(K)(1)(p) 14-15 USP PPD
  1. Others Considered Professional Development Academic Trainer SY 2014-15
  2. USP Stipend Ethnicity 14-15
  3. ESI Retirees
  4. Classified Survey
  5. Make the Move Materials
  6. Recruitment Team Members
  7. Recruiter Statement
  8. TUSD Recruitment Schedule 2014-15
  9. Past Recruitment Trip Locations and Designations
  10. NCTQ Standards
  11. US News and World Report Methodology
  12. Recruiter 101 Training Agenda and Presentation
  13. Membership Receipts
  14. Recruitment and Retention Advisory Committee Members
  15. Recruitment and Retention Advisory Committee Agendas
  16. Sample of Instructions to Hiring Administrator
  17. Administrative Interview Committees
  18. Declined Job Offer
  19. Leadership Prep Academy Syllabus
  20. Leadership Prep Academy Participant List
  21. TUSD-UA Ed Leadership Cohort Agreement
  22. IGA Masters in Educational Leadership
  23. TUSD-UA Ed Leadership Cohort App List
  24. Summary of Total Certificated Staff
  25. Summary of Certificated Administrators and USP Administrator
  26. Administrative Teams – SY 2014-15
  27. Teaching Certificated Staff Summary
  28. Certificated District Initiated Transfers (DIT) SY 2014-15
  29. First Year Principals in Racially Concentrated or D schools
  30. Corrected Appendix IV-30 Teachers w/<1 Year Experience in Racially Concentrated and/or Schools where Students Achieving at or Below the District Average SY 2014-15
  31. Annual Teacher Job Satisfaction Survey
  32. Curriculum Service Provider
  33. Example of Teacher Mentor/Curriculum Facilitator Agendas
  34. Example of Curriculum Facilitator Professional Development Weekly Logs
  35. IV(K)(1)(h) Pilot Plan for First Year Teachers at Struggling Schools
  36. Revised First Year Teacher Plan
  37. TUSD Governing Board Policy GCO
  38. ILA Agenda 10.16.14
  39. Targeted Support Flow Chart
  40. Plan For Improvement Flow Chart
  41. Professional Learning Communities (PLC) Continuum Dufour SY 2014-15
  42. Lawrence 3-6 PLC
  43. Mission View_PLC
  44. Cavett 1st Quarter PLC
  45. Pre-Authorization Form-Example SY 2014-15
  46. Pre-Authorization and PLC Log--Example SY 2014-15
  47. PLC Walkthrough Checklist SY 2014-15
  48. Professional Learning Communities (PLC) Training SY 2014-15
  49. Roster of PLC Training Participants SY 2014-2015
  50. Materials for PLC
  51. Master PD Listing
  52. USP Professional Development
  53. Professional Development Presenter Rubric SY 2014-15
  54. USP Related Professional Development
  55. ILA-ILT USP Related Professional Development
  56. On-line USP Related Courses
  57. Early Release Wednesdays
  58. TUSD Hiring Protocols and Workforce Diversity Power Point and Roster
  59. Learning Support Coordinator (LSC) Mission Statement
  60. Culturally Relevant and Responsive Teaching Roster
  61. CRPI PD Schedule for SY 2014-15
  62. PSAT Training Sign-In Sheets
  63. LSC Overview
  64. College Board Webinar Training
  65. GATE Professional Development 2014-2015
  66. Student Equity Formal Discipline Training for Administrators Roster
  67. Classroom and School Management Roster
  68. Provide ADE to Curriculum Facilitators Roster
  69. Magnet Site Professional Development
  70. PD Strengths Data
  71. Summary Report on Instructional Leadership Academy (ILA) and Curriculum Facilitator (CF) Training
  72. Administrator MTSS System Training Summary Report
  73. Principal and Magnet Coordinator Training
  74. 15-16 Danielson Revised Handout for NTIP Participant
  75. IV(K)(1)(a) Hire or Designated USP Positions 8.24.15
  76. IV(K)(1)(a) Ref-14 JOB0634 - Chief Human Resources Officer
  77. IV(K)(1)(a) Ref-15 JOB25639 - Director Talent Acquisition Recruitment and Retention
  78. IV(K)(1)(a) Ref-16 JOB16301 - Director Professional Development
  79. IV(K)(1)(b) Labor Market Analysis revised
  80. IV(K)(1)(c) 23F7901-Revised ORR Plan 9.10.14
  81. IV(K)(1)(d)(i) Administrator Vacancies 8.28.15
  82. IV(K)(1)(d)(i) Certified Job Postings MERGED 8.26.15
  83. IV(K)(1)(d)(i) Applitrack Job Postings
  84. IV(K)(1)(d)(ii) Interview Panel Committees Admin and Cert Interviews (IV.K.1.d.ii )
  85. IV(K)(1)(d)(iii) Administrator Staff Table 8.24.15 final
  86. IV(K)(1)(d)(iii) Certificated Staff final 8.26.15 1635
  87. IV(K)(1)(d)(iii) Certificated Staff Summary Ed and Exp 8.26.15 final 1630
  88. IV(K)(1)(d)(iii) Administrator Staff SY 2014-15 final doc 8.25.15
  89. IV(K)(1)(d)(iv) Certificated District Initiated Transfers
  90. IV(K)(1)(e) Admin and Cert Hiring Process 7-15-14
  91. IV(K)(1)(e) Certified Contract Cover LTR 2014-2015
  92. IV(K)(1)(e) Confidentiality Agreement –Committee
  93. IV(K)(1)(e) Confidentiality Agreement – Candidate
  94. IV(K)(1)(e) Hiring Process Overview
  95. IV(K)(1)(e) Interview Panel Recommendations Form 2014
  96. IV(K)(1)(e) Interview Questions Blank Template
  97. IV(K)(1)(e) Panel Member Assessment
  98. IV(K)(1)(e) Reference Check Form
  99. IV(K)(1)(e) Summary of Applicants
  100. IV(K)(1)(e) TUSD Referral List-Screening Documentation
  101. IV(K)(1)(e) Site Interview Summary (Site Council) – Blank)
  102. IV(K)(1)(f) Declined Job Offers 8.19.15 summary
  103. Declined Job Offers for USP
  104. IV(K)(1)(g) Hire and Assignment Evaluation
  105. IV(K)(1)(g) Teaching Certificated Staff Summary Percentage Difference per Site to School Levels Original Percentage 9.11.15 [*duplicate number, different Appendix]
    IV-105* IV(K)(1)(j) Survey Instrument [*duplicate number, different Appendix]
  107. IV(K)(1)(k) Teacher Focus Group at Catalina 1.28.15
  108. IV(K)(1)(k) Teacher Focus Group at Doolen 1.27.15
  109. IV(K)(1)(k) Teacher Focus Group at Robins 1.26.15
  110. IV(K)(1)(m)Administrator Evaluation and SQS Student Survey 2014-2015
  111. IV(K)(1)(m)Teacher Evaluation, and SQS Student Survey 2014-2015
  112. IV(K)(1)(n) New Teacher Induction Program
  113. IV(K)(1)(n) and IV(K)(1)(o)-- Participating Teacher Mentor Report Ethnicity
  114. IV(K)(1)(p) Leadership Prep Academy
  115. IV(K)(1)(q)Training PD for IV K 1 q
  116. IV(K)(1)(q) Workforce Diversity Training IV K 1 q
  1. ALE Access and Recruitment Plan
  2. Revised Final IA
  3. GATE Mailer
  4. List of Designated Personnel
  5. GATE Personnel List
  6. Memo-Eliminate OLSAT
  7. Memo-Analyze CogAT7
  8. ELL Testing Protocols 14-15
  9. Discover Testing Schedule
  10. Discover Pilot Evaluation
  11. ALE 8thgrade letter 14-15
  12. AAC Flyers
  13. Open Access Email to principals
  14. High School Course Catalog
  15. MASS-AASS Events
  16. IB Coordinator Community Events
  17. IB Hispanic Community Events
  18. IB African American Community Events
  19. Magnet Marketing Report
  20. GATE Enrollment by 40th Day SY 2014 | AMENDED 40th day GATE Enrollment includes 3-year data
  21. 3-year ALE participation by ethnicity
  22. Report on Expanded HSAP Courses
  23. Parent Open House Flyer-Hollinger-Spanish
  24. Mentor List by School
  25. Supplemental Materials for Language Acquisition
  26. Current Best Practices Policy Draft
  27. Memo to principals about ALE supports
  28. Email sent to principals AP Prep
  29. Think Tank email flyer scholarship form SY1415
  30. AP-GATE Teacher Mentor Plan
  31. Flyer AP Summer Boot Camp
  32. AVID Path PD Schedule
  33. GATE Endorsement 2-13-14 and 2014-15
  34. GATE Endorsement Status Monitoring
  35. GATE Endorsement Status Teacher Letter
  36. GATE Professional Development Agenda-Cultural Proficiency
  37. Cultural Proficiency Sign-In Sheet
  38. PD Outcomes Table
  39. Relevant Agenda-LSC
  40. Excerpt from TUSD Principal Handbook re ALE
  41. Potential Tool Training
  42. Early Release Wednesdays
  43. Flyer Summer Institute
  44. Desert Summer Institute Report
  45. UHS Day 40 Enrollment
  46. UHS Admissions recommendations 14-15
  47. ACT Engage Report
  48. UHS admissions testing memo
  49. 7th Grade Admission Presentation
  50. UHS Multicultural Breakfast Invite
  51. Report Payment AP Test Fees
  52. Report Payment AP Test Fees
  53. OELAS Extension/ELL Progress (2014-15)
  54. Summer Institute 1
  55. Two-Way Dual Language (TWDL) PD Agenda SY 2014-15
  56. TWDL PD True North Logic
  57. Classroom Coaching Observation Schedules 1
  58. Classroom Coaching Observation Schedules 2
  59. Teacher Sign In sheets
  60. Log of Spanish materials sent to teachers
  61. Log of materials sent to staff
  62. Walk through Feedback Summary 1
  63. Walk through Feedback Summary 2
  64. Walk through Feedback Summary 3
  65. Walk through Feedback Summary 4
  66. Two-Way Dual Language (TWDL) Brochure English Version
  67. TWDL Brochure Spanish Version
  68. TWDL Website Link
  69. Learning Support Coordinator (LSC) Meeting sign in sheet
  70. Sign in sheets Family Center
  71. TWDL PowerPoint
  72. Dual Language Recruitment Letter
  73. Internal Teachers Recruited for Dual Language
  74. Internal Teacher recruited for DL
  75. Pima Teacher Certification Pathway
  76. Spanish endorsement classes for certified teachers
  77. Final Draft of DL Handbook
  78. GATE Recruitment and testing 1
  79. List of Committee Members – ExEd Standards of Practice
  80. Placement Disproportionality Formula
  81. Quarterly Reviews
  82. DPG Plan 3.13.15; Rumberger Report 12.9.14
  83. MTSS Team Meeting Agenda 10.27.14
  84. Sample MTSS Student Log
  85. Social Worker End-of-Year Report
  86. Summer Experience
  87. 9th Grade Summer Bridge Program
  88. Credit Tracking Training
  89. Credit Recovery Options
  90. Alternative Schools
  91. MS Team Model
  92. MS Dropout Specialists
  93. 6th Grade Summer Bridge Program
  94. CORE Plus
  95. 8th Grade Retention Monitoring for Referral to Summer Experience
  96. Master Schedules and Early Literacy
  97. ELL Transportation Notice
  98. ELL Credit Recovery
  99. ELL HS Courses
  100. ELL Summer School
  101. ELL Imagine Learning
  102. Abeyance Contract and Data
  103. Life Skills to Alternative Suspension Program (LSASP)
  104. Staff Attendance & Dropout Training Info
  105. Multicultural Materials & Books Purchase Orders
  106. Units 1-12 Multicultural US History and Multicultural World History 1
  107. Multicultural US History ADE Submissions
  108. Multicultural Classroom Observation Protocol Form
  109. Multicultural Instructional Expectations and Curriculum Rubric
  110. CRC Spring 2015 Expansion Summary
  111. CRC Curriculum Review Cadre
  112. CRC Curriculum Review Process
  113. CRC Units Summer 2015
  114. Culturally Relevant Observation Instrument
  115. CRC Sample Unit African American Literature Unit Unit
  116. CRC Booklist 10-24-2014
  117. CRC Books April
  118. CRC Spring 2015 Expansion Plan
  119. CRC Student Registration Protocol
  120. Administrator PD Workshops CR Curriculum and CR Pedagogy, Modules 1, 2, 3, 6, 8 & 9
  121. Checklist: Evaluation of Multicultural Literature
  122. CRC Kindergarten – Grade 5 Core Book Lists
  123. CRC Literature: Selection and Evaluation Criteria
  124. PD: Cultural competence and intercultural understanding in schools, Teacher Training Summer Plan
  125. Mentor Culturally Relevant Teacher
  126. CRC Multi Year Expansion Plan
  127. CRC Curriculum Maps Evidence
  128. National Association of Multicultural Education (NAME) Conference Attendance List
  129. SY 15-16 CRC teacher training Roster Summary with Dates
  130. Student Success Specialist Job Description
  131. Student Success Specialists PD participation 2014-15
  132. MTSS teams at each Site
  133. MTSS Staff Agenda Meeting July 23, 2014
  134. MASS Specialists Mentor Training for November 19, 2014
  135. Monthly student support report - October 2014
  136. Example Monthly student support report - November 2014
  137. Erickson MTSS team meeting agenda 3rd (2)
  138. Student Equity Online Request for Service
  139. Student Equity Intervention Request for Services Chart
  140. Principals notice of Intervention request for services on TUSD Intranet
  141. Monthly Report for Intervention Support
  142. Mentoring Community Organizations spreadsheet for 2014-2015
  143. Student Mentor List and Calendar
  144. Success for Teens Facilitator Guide
  145. Good Will Good Guides Agenda
  146. Mentoring PowerPoint
  147. Training PowerPoint USP Parent Quarterly Informational Sessions
  148. Agenda and Sign In for Racially Concentrated Schools Training
  149. Racially Concentrated Schools Quarterly Parent Events
  150. Community Resource Partnerships 2014-15 and Quarterly Event List
  151. Family Resource Materials and Vendors
  152. Post-event Parent Survey14-15
  153. Post-event Parent Survey 3-5
  154. MASS Advisory April 17
  155. AASS Partnerships and Mentoring Programs 2014-15
  156. MASS Student Mentoring Programs
  157. Black College Tour Itinerary
  158. National Tour Historical Black Colleges & Universities -- Florida Flyer 2015
  159. MASS Collaborating Colleges and Universities List
  160. Welcome to UofA President’s Hispanic Community Council
  161. Magee - Project Soar Mentor Program
  162. AASA Exciting New Africana Studies Courses!
  163. AASS Internship Spring 2015 Flier
  164. AASS Intern School Site Assignments
  165. MASS Student Mentor List and Calendar
  166. MASS Volunteer Mentoring PowerPoint
  167. Community and College Volunteer Mentor Training Manual for Orientation
  168. Professional Boundaries Training for Volunteer Mentors
  169. Press Release Parent University
  170. Parent University 2014 Program
  171. Parent University Agenda Sign-In 10.25
  172. MASS Parent Quarterly Sessions 2014-2015
  173. MASS Family Resource Materials and Vendors
  174. AASSD STEM Presentation 3-10-15 Board 1
  175. 7th Annual African American Youth Heritage Day Brochure
  176. National Society of Black Engineers -Letter_PermissionSlip2014
  177. UHS Letter to parents - recruitment 11-2014
  178. K-8 and Middle school Historically Black Colleges and Universities Tour
  179. Cesar Chavez Youth Leadership Conference PowerPoint
  180. LULAC Youth Leadership Conference Overview
  181. MASS Before and After School Tutoring Schedule
  182. MASS Saturday Tutoring Flyer
  183. Schools where Specialists are assigned
  184. STEM Summit Agenda Facilitators, Goal Activity and Hand-Out 12.06.14
  185. 2nd Quarter Parent Information Meeting Agenda 12 04 14
  186. Check off List for Quarterly Sessions
  187. Reading Recovery Proposed Project Plan
  188. Leveled Libraries Invoice
  189. Teacher Evaluation Appendices J and K: engagement and cultural sensitivity
  190. 6-8 Summer Bridge Programs
  191. STEM Save the Date Flyer and STEM Summer Application 2015
  192. Flyer AP Summer Boot Camp
  193. AAAATF Meeting Dates
  194. CRC Student Pre-Survey Survey
  195. CRC Student Post-Survey
  196. CRC Teacher Survey ending 7-30
  197. Culturally Relevant Observation Tool
  198. Peer Mentoring Procedures
  199. Culturally Responsive Instruction PP2
  200. ALE 40th day data by 3 categories
  201. AAC_Day 40—data comparable to USP Appendix E
  202. UHS_Day40_Enrollment
  203. UHS_Application Data
  204. UHS_Mobility
  205. Revised ALE supplement (ALE MK 4.14.15)
  206. Report from IB Coordinator (ALE MK 5.26.15)
  207. Student Support Review and Assessment 2014-15 SY
  208. Explanation of responsibilities of persons hired pursuant to Section V
  209. V(G)(1)(f) Advanced Academic Courses
  210. V(G)(1)(f)African American brochure
  211. V(G)(1)(f)ALE recruitment efforts
  212. V(G)(1)(f)IB Coordinator Recruitment Community Events
  213. V(G)(1)(f) List of materials-brochure locations
  214. V(G)(1)(f)MASS brochure
  215. V(G)(1)(f)MASS brochuresp
  216. V(G)(1)(g) Admissions Form 2014-15
  217. V(G)(1)(g) UHS Admissions Policy Update
  218. V(G)(1)(g) UHS Admissions recommendations 16-17
  219. V(G)(1)(g) UHS admissions testing memo
  220. V(G)(1)(g) UHS_Application Data Rev 9.14.15
  221. V(G)(1)(h) Changes made to ALE Programs
  222. V(G)(1)(i) ALE Complaint Process
  223. V(G)(1)(j) Gifted prov-endor
  224. V(G)(1)(k) OELAS Extension Memo 5.13.15
  225. V(G)(1)(k) Letter from State of Arizona Department of Education
  226. V(G)(1)(l) Dual Language
  227. V(G)(1)(m) AASSD Quarterly Agendas SY 14-15
  228. V(G)(1)(m) Language Acquisition Website
  229. V(G)(1)(m) MASS 1st qtr mtg
  230. V(G)(1)(m) MASS 2nd qtr mtgs
  231. V(G)(1)(m) MASS 3rd qtr mtgs
  232. V(G)(1)(m) MASS 4th qtr mtgs
  233. V(G)(1)(m) Two way Dual Language – English
  234. V(G)(1)(m) Two way Dual Language – Spanish
  235. V(G)(1)(m) Two Way Dual Language PowerPoint
  236. V(G)(1)(m) GATE Recruitment and testing 1
  237. V(G)(1)(m) Internal Teachers Recruited for Dual Language
  238. V(G)(1)(o) Retention Three Year
  239. V(G)(1)(p) College Mentoring 8-24-15
  240. V(G)(1)(p) AASS College Partnerships and Mentoring Programs 14-15
  241. V(G)(1)(p) MASS Colleges Mentoring Program SY 14-15
  242. V(G)(1)(p) Email sent to principals Open Access to view the summary of college mentoring opportunities
  243. V(G)(1)(q) Process for interventions
  244. V(G)(1)(q) AP-GATE Teacher Mentor Plan
  245. V(G)(1)(q) Email sent to principals AP prep
  246. V(G)(1)(q) Flyer AP Summer Boot Camp
  247. V(G)(1)(q) Memo to principals re AP Tutoring
  248. V(G)(1)(r) Academic Intervention Team (Cholla)
  249. V(G)(1)(r) ALE academic intervention
  250. V(G)(1)(r) ALE after School Tutoring
  251. V(G)(1)(s) Description of Quarterly Events
  252. V(G)(1)(s) Quarterly Events Flyers 5.26.15
  253. V(G)(1)(s) Parent University Agenda Sign-In 10.25.15
  254. V(G)(1)(t) Training PD Administrative Certificated Staff
  255. V(G)(1)(t) Module 1
  256. V(G)(1)(t) Module 2
  257. V(G)(1)(t) Module 3
  258. V(G)(1)(t) Module 6
  259. V(G)(1)(t) Module 8
  260. V(G)(1)(t) Module 9
  261. V(G)(1)(u) 2015_Day 40_With Redactions
  1. VI(G)(1)(b) Summary of Discipline Data for SY 2014-15
  2. 2011-12 National and State Comparisons
  3. Learning Supports Coordinators (LSC) Time Entry Log
  4. PBIS Matrix Samples
  5. LSC Activity Chart
  6. Student Info Presentation
  7. Parent Info Presentation
  8. Parent-Student Info GSRR Dates
  9. Collaborative Communications July-Oct 2014
  10. Board Action Item 21 10.14.14
  11. GSRR 10.14.14
  12. Collaborative Communications Oct 14 - Nov 2014
  13. GSRR Committee Agendas
  14. Governing Board Presentation 6.23.15
  15. Collaborative Communications 4.15 - 7.30.15
  16. GSRR Board Action 7.15.14
  17. GSRR Admin Professional Development July 2014
  18. ILA Agendas and Materials
  19. June 2015 Administrator Discipline Training Agenda
  20. Administrator Professional Development June 1-5, 2015
  21. Back to School Staff Training Samples
  22. Wednesday PD Schedule 2014-15
  23. PBIS Training Materials
  24. Restorative Practices Training Materials
  25. MTSS Training Materials
  26. MTSS Training Materials
  27. Online GSRR Training
  28. Back to School Faculty Meeting 08-06-14 – Sahuaro
  29. VI(G)(1)(f) Discipline Log Sample – redacted
  30. 2014-2015 Quarterly Review Schedule
  31. 2014-15 USP KPI (all quarters)
  32. Exemplar Communications from Directors to Sites
  33. 4th Quarter Review Power Point
  34. Unnamed School Discipline Data Review Material
  35. Elementary and K-8 CAPs 2014-15
  36. Middle School CAPs 2014-15
  37. High School CAPs 2014-15
  38. Elementary and K-8 CAPS 2015-16
  39. CAP Template for 2015-16
  40. VI(G)(1)(d)Key Disciplinary Policies
  41. Informal Corrective Action Exemplar
  42. Chart of Formal Corrective Actions and Exemplar
  43. Elementary School Exclusionary Discipline SY 2014-15
  44. K-8 Exclusionary Discipline SY 2014-15
  45. Middle School Exclusionary Discipline SY 2014-15
  46. High School Exclusionary Discipline SY 2014-15
  47. 8-25-15-BAI3-ISI InSchool Intervention PowerPoint (ISI)
  48. 8-25-15-BAI3-DAEP-PowerPoint (DAEP)
  49. Discipline Data Review Form MTSS
  50. VI(G)(1)(a) Quarterly Data Analyses
  51. VI(G)(1)(a) Suspension Appeals
  52. VI(G)(1)(c) Corrective Action Plan Summary
  53. VI(G)(1)(c) Corrective Action Plan template with directions
  54. VI(G)(1)(c) MTSS School Team Meeting form
  55. VI(G)(1)(d) GSRR Translations 14-15
  56. VI(G)(1)(g) Training on Behavior or Discipline
  57. VI(G)(1)(g) Discipline Training Agendas 14-15 SY
  58. VI(G)(1)(g) Training Summary Table and Materials
  1. Family and Community Engagement Plan
  2. Iniguez Resume
  3. SLT Agenda
  4. FEC Budget Wakefield
  5. FEC Budget Palo Verde
  6. Wakefield Floor Plan
  7. Palo Verde Floor Plan
  8. Wakefield Program Agenda
  9. Launch Invitation
  10. Wakefield Annual List of Available Materials
  11. MASS Fall 2014 Survey Results
  12. Schedule of Events
  13. Family Engagement Staffing Plan
  14. Family Engagement Organizational Chart
  15. Family Engagement Vision and Mission Statement
  16. Family Engagement Logo
  17. SAIL Training Power Point
  18. Culture and Climate Training Presentation
  19. Culturally Responsive PD Participant Surveys Pre Post Course Assessment
  20. List of 14-15 Community Partners
  21. African American Parent Conference Save the Date Notice
  22. Family and Community Engagement Steering Committee Members
  23. FEC Resource List
  24. Calendar of Community Outreach
  25. FEC Flyers, Newsletter, and Screen Shot of Website
  26. Culturally Responsive PD Teacher Survey
  27. Notice to LEPs of Rights to Interpreter/Translator Services
  28. Primary Home Language Other than English (PHLOTE) List 10.15.2014
  29. Meaningful Access Coordinator Year End Translation and Interpretation Report
  30. Language Preference List 2014-15
  31. TOTAL Interpretation/Translation Evets 2014-15
  32. Parent Assistance and Agencies Flyer
  33. New Hire Meaningful Access Presentation
  34. Meaningful Access Process Document
  35. Meaningful Access Services Handout 2014-2015
  36. Guidelines for Translation Services Memo
  37. VII(E)(1)(a) Explanation of Duties
  38. VII(E)(1)(b) Assessments, Analyses and Plans
  39. VII(E)(1)(c) Regulation IHAM_R District Wellness
  40. Reporting VII(E)(1)(d): Analyses Scope of Effectiveness
  1. Discipline Data Monitoring Principal Training
  2. EBAS Dashboard Images
  3. EBAS BI Training Agenda with Sign-In Sheets
  4. Emails re USP Budget, Third Response to Plaintiffs and Special Master 8.4 – 8.18.14
  5. Governing Board Materials 8.12.14
  6. S. Brown Email re Approved USP Budget 8.14.14
  7. Emails re USP Budget, Fourth Response 8.29 – 9.7.14
  8. 12.9.14 Board Agenda Item No10 Documents
  9. Q2 Expenditure Report – 2.25.15
  10. Q3 Expenditure Report – 5.26.15
  11. Emails re Revised Budget Processes Nov/Dec 2014
  12. 2015-16 USP Budget Draft 1 – 2.28.15
  13. 2015-16 USP Budget Draft 2 – 3.23.15
  14. USP Budget Draft 2 Supplement – 3.25.15
  15. 2015-16 USP Budget Draft 3 – 4.27.15
  16. 2015-16 USP Budget Final Draft – 6.19.15
  17. Board Agenda Item Documents – 6.23.15
  18. Tolleson Process Memo – 7.6.15
  19. Draft Agreed-Upon Procedures (AUP) Engagement Letter 6.17.14
  20. Arvizu Email and Revised AUP Letter 7.8.14
  21. Brammer Collaborative Email re Audit Report 7.25.14
  22. Thompson, Salter, Hawley Communications re Scope of Audit 8.4 – 8.8.14
  23. S. Brown Email re Draft Scope of Work 12.19.14
  24. S. Brown Emails re Audit Report Extension and Scope of Audit 1.8 – 1.9.15
  25. Salter and Thompson Emails re Audit Report Extension and Scope 1.12.15
  26. M. Taylor Email re H&M Response 1.20.15
  27. Emails re Mendoza Concerns 1.20 – 1.28.15
  28. S. Brown Email and 2013-14 Audit Report 2.20.15
  29. Emails re Audit Report Concerns 8.20 – 8.26.14
  30. M. Taylor Email and DIA re Sale of Van Horne Property 6.8.15
  31. Emails re Additional Information 3.3 - 3.18.15
  32. X(F)(1)(a)(i) Attendance Boundary Changes
  33. X(F)(1)(a)(ii) Student Assignment
  34. X(F)(1)(a)(iii) Construction Projects
  35. X(F)(1)(a)(iv) Building or Acquiring New Schools
  36. X(F)(1)(a)(v) Proposals to Close Schools
  37. X(F)(1)(a)(vi) Purchase, Lease and Sale of District Real Estate
Annual Report 2013-2014

Filed on October 1, 2014

Annual Report 2012-2013

Filed on January 31, 2014

Table of Appendices